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GM asked to pull Kid Rock sponsorship over flag-flap


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This whole thing is getting ridiculous. At least GM isn't falling for this nonsense. I may do what some others are doing and order up a couple of "bars and stars" flags and put them up. As a celebration and respect of the honor, tenacity, and courage of the soldiers who fought on the Southern side of the war and out of protest of this stupid PC stuff that is taking over America.


While it is true, that I had no grandeous visions of the traditions and founding principles of America when I was a young man in the Army carrying an M-16, living in the mud with the bugs. I have had several decades to reflect on what wearing that uniform and serving meant and the oath I took. I am sick and tired of this PC nonsense that is destroying what I served to protect. It is time to reclaim America for Americans.... southern, northern, eastern, western, black, white, hispanic, native, asian and anyone else that has the heart and sole for Liberty and making America great again. An honoring those who served, especially Confederate soldiers, who fought for Freedom from an oppressive government is the American thing to do.


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What nonsense to get upset about a flag used by traitors and turncoats and terrorists to wage war on our country. Next there will be people objecting to the Nazi flag being flown at white schools and churches. Time to start selling lynching kits for all those who want to string up a black person but are too stupid to know how to tie knots.


Not surprising about GM as corporations are all about profits. IBM and Ford and others were happy to sell to the Germans in both world wars. Profits are always more important than people, and who really cares about the bottom 99% anyway that are dumb enough to pay taxes while the 1% use race and bigotry to divert attention away from their not paying any taxes on billions of dollars of income.

“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper you’re misinformed,” Mark Twain. Today he would be talking about Fox News and its shills for the corporate elites. The rise of Donald Trump and Jeb Bush shows just how far we have fallen as a country. Truely disgraceful.

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More power to him and Chevy for standing up for what they beleive in.

With that being said, shame on the people, whether you served or not, for ignoring the whole truth abou the confederate flag. Do some in depth research. Look up the name William Thompson. This is not a media generated truth. I completely disagree with the circumstances that brought about the situation, but it should never have been flown on government property to begin with.

How many other countries/states/groups fly the flag of their defeated opponent . The confederacy is a non existent entity. Put in your yard if you want, just know the whole truth. Put in the museums and celebrate and respect the people who gave their lives. Saying that the confederate flag doesn't ALSO represent white supremecy is like saying guns kill people. it's rediculous.

To fly it out of respect and heritage is great! To deny it's whole meaning is ignorance.........


BTW, the KKK was started by a group largely made up of confederacy veterans. Not really a coincidence I'm guessing.


My guess is that Kid Rock isn't racist , but he is a rebel and his argument is that he won't be denied his freedom of expression......and he shouldn't be.

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"Rev. Al Sharpton"... what joke for a human being. That man doesn't give a single hoot for the African American community. He simply cares about how much money he can line his pockets with and how much face time he can get on TV. I respect GM for standing up to his bullshit.

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What nonsense to get upset about a flag used by traitors and turncoats and terrorists to wage war on our country. Next there will be people objecting to the Nazi flag being flown at white schools and churches. Time to start selling lynching kits for all those who want to string up a black person but are too stupid to know how to tie knots.


Not surprising about GM as corporations are all about profits. IBM and Ford and others were happy to sell to the Germans in both world wars. Profits are always more important than people, and who really cares about the bottom 99% anyway that are dumb enough to pay taxes while the 1% use race and bigotry to divert attention away from their not paying any taxes on billions of dollars of income.

“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper you’re misinformed,” Mark Twain. Today he would be talking about Fox News and its shills for the corporate elites. The rise of Donald Trump and Jeb Bush shows just how far we have fallen as a country. Truely disgraceful.


Trump is spot on about illegals. Kind of an idiot otherwise but I'm with him there.

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History lesson. The KKK was a Democratic org. Do not take my word. Just do a little google search. This PC shit is out of control. Here in Chattanooga and the local battle fields , now every PC P***Y Lib wants wants to dig up graves, tear down monuments and basically rewrite history. That OK ( sarcasm) . They had better be careful for what they wish for. For when the shit hits the fan, we who still revere the Constution are the only thing that stands between them and their pathetic idea of their utopia. This is about as polite as I can put it. Trying to be nice. But. Sorry to say but bad times ARE coming. Are you prepared to protect you and yours? That prick who shot up that church had nothing to do with the Confederate Flag. If the Politicans do not stop this race dividing and discord among the American people.....it is gonna' get ugly. By the way, they say violence never solved anything?

Well It solved WWII. Just sayin' A hundred years ago people would have stormed the White House with pitch forks and torches. Times are more dangerous now. I sincerely hope this country gets its act together before its too late.






GM please do not give in.

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Thanks GM for not bowing down to that race baiter. Just for that I think I'm going to go out and order me one of them big old 2016 Chevy trucks.

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I hope, just because GM stood against the PC nonsense, that their sales go thru the roof. And that those people who buy make mention of GM's stand as to why they are making the purchase. We are always quick to chastise someone or some entity when they screw up. We need to reward those who do the right thing. I was apprehensive when I first saw this news item, but after finding out GM's position, I am glad I have a 2015 2500HD sitting in my garage.

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Its not "The Confederate Flag". Its A Confederate flag.


The stars and bars was the battle flag of The Army of Northern Virgina.


Guess what, that Army led by General Robert E Lee, a man who was anti-slavery and set his slaves(slaves he INHERITED from his in laws) free well before the VAST majority of Northerners. They found his wife's diary, she had written in it the night he found out he

Would be asked by Lincoln to lead the Union Army. That entry said he paced tge floor the entire night, an cryed so much he cried blood, because he was so distraught over his homeland protecting slavery. In the end he felt he must protect his HOMELAND, and like many southernera, hope to end slavery after the war was won.

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I would ignore Sharpton's request to move my truck a little if I was parked on his foot!

He is just a serial blackmailer and a non-productive leech on American society. He doesn't work to better anything...just wants to line his pockets while he slinks away without even paying his taxes!!

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