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Torque Management

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Yes, these suckers are so nice  :hail:


As of 1999, General Motors started implementing what they refer to as “torque management.” This reduces power at certain rpm ranges in order to relieve stress to the drive train. As years have past, “torque management” has become increasingly apparent. Now you can remove torque management, get even more power instantly, firm shift points for quicker shifts, recalibrate your speedometer for custom gears, wheels and tires, all with a punch of a button.




Key Features:

• Remove torque management for increased low speed torque

• Firmer full-throttle gear changes for faster acceleration (automatic transmissions)

• Recalibrate speedometer and odometer readings with non-stock tire sizes and/or non-stock rear-end gear ratios

• Allows the vehicle's top speed to be matched to the speed rating of factory approved high-performance tires

• Works with Whipple Supercharger equipped engines

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??? My and others trials say it needs refinement yet and at $600  :banghead:

Could you elaborate on that a bit?   I realize that LS1 edit it the ultimate in flexibility, but not everyone wants to invest the time it takes to master it.  Simpler tools may be better for those who just want to do a few basic tricks.

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Could you elaborate on that a bit?  

Simpler tools may be better for those who just want to do a few basic tricks.

My dyno runs showed a decrease in HP with the program.


There is another out there that will let you adj settings besides LS1 EDIT and that are simple to use and can be custom tuned for a supercharged application.


I was not impressed with the support staff either who "fight against each others opinions" in my case with Whipple unit.


Oh well its only 600$$$  :jester:

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Could you elaborate on that a bit?  

Simpler tools may be better for those who just want to do a few basic tricks.

My dyno runs showed a decrease in HP with the program.


There is another out there that will let you adj settings besides LS1 EDIT and that are simple to use and can be custom tuned for a supercharged application.


I was not impressed with the support staff either who "fight against each others opinions" in my case with Whipple unit.


Oh well its only 600$$$  :jester:

I wouldn't think removing TM would necessarily improve your HP.  How did the programmer affect your torque curve, according to your dyno?

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[i wouldn't think removing TM would necessarily improve your HP.  How did the programmer affect your torque curve, according to your dyno?

The torque curve was lower at the upper rpm end and went flat-almost like it was too lean or not enough timing.Did not have the wide band o2 on at the time .I will be doing that testing now to find the answer that they could not give me.

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Super Jet Dyno Controlled runs...


Stock with cat back=243 RWHP


Whipple program=287 RWHP


Diablo Sport program with custom tuning option=337 RWHP (with 2.5 adj to fuel at WOT and a/f ratio at 11.8 also adj timing 10% advanced with no ping on 93 pump gas.)


SAE numbers=404 HP


Now I got the real to the pavement 100 hp I was looking for !!! :cool:   :hail:  :D  :thumb:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Exactly what is Torque Management? Does it affect all Chevy trucks or is this just a diesel issue? If my 2000 5.3 1500 Ext Cab Z71 is affected by TM, what are my options of negating TM or reducing it? Does the Hypertech III have any effect on it?
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I can notice the TM in my 6.0L. As some one put it.. the truck accelerates harder at partial throttle than at WOT.


There are a couple active threads regarding Wester's Garage's (http://westers_garage.eidnet.org/Index2.htm) programmed PCM in both gm-trucks.com=>light-duty(1500,2500) section and pickuptruck.com's chevy discussion groups (search for westers). The shop's owner, Lydon Wester is believed to use LS1 Edit - and knows how to. There have been a few claims in the thread and by Lydon that his programming is capable of removing TM.


The threads are here. Note some mentions of using Hypertech vs. Superchip vs. Predator vs. Wester's:


PUTC Westers thread


GMTrucks.com Westers thread


All the hype about this product is making me consider shelving my HPPIII and getting one. Especially if Lydon will be able to remove TM. I called Wester's today (Canada) asking for some testimony. They were a little busy but told me to try it. It works well and makes a noticeable improvement and will refund your money within 30 days. How can you go wrong?



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