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How Do I Put A Picture in Here?


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I know this can be a most confusing task. It was a very slow learning curve for me but eventually I got it. The secret is to find a site that will host your pictures. I tried several that didn't work then I found PictureTrail.com.

I tried the 30 day free trial then signed up for the $19.95 yearly fee to get all the services. Once you lhave joined the pic hosting site you can upload pictures from your hard drive to the host site. Save the pics to an album. Open the pic you want to post here then right click on it. You will see the URL. Highlite that URL entirely and choose the copy action. Go back to the GM truck topic you opened to make a new topic or post a reply In the dialog box write your message then click on the image button just above the dialog box. You will then be able to post the url from the pic site. It should then show up in your reply here.

If you have any problems email me I'll try to help. I know there are other guys who probably have a better way but thats how it works for me.

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:nono:   Alright thanx guys, I will try that later when I get off of work.  I want to show you all my newly lifted 2000 Silverado with a 6" Superlift.  I am new to the site and like all the helpful stuff everyone has on GM trucks.
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