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Oil cooler lines

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Well my oil cooler lines burst last winter, and now there back leaking again.  Anyone using any aftermarket lines that are better or is anything else available than the GM ones that I have to replace about once a year it looks like.  Anyone have any luck with GM comping you on the cost?



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If it was done last year, chances are it is still under a repair warranty.  Most dealers warranty their work for a year after the repair.


To me it sounds like simply something not done correctly or you're running excessively high line pressure that would cause it to burst/leak again.  If that's the case, I'd look into why the trans is generating such high line pressure.


Didn't you say Rockenbach did this last year?  Take it back and twist their ear about it.

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Your correct Lane, Rockenbach did do it last year.  Their warrenty is 12months/12000 miles and I'm at 13 months and about 18000 miles since it was done.  I actually just got back from taking it up to them and they said no they won't cover it.  They want $380 to replace them, Shepard only wants $260 so it'll probably go to Shepard.



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Just make sure to tell them that Rockenbach's name has been shed in a negative light all over a GM truck site on the internet over this matter.


All the more reason Rockenbach blows!




Their commericals are cheesy.  


I would think they would cover some of it.  My moms blazer was a few months over the 3 yr / 36K and only had 25K. 4wd system broke and they paid half

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Actually that's a different scenario Ryan.  That's a manufacturer warranty and then all GM dealers AT THEIR DISCRETION can do what's called "Goodwill Warranty" after that.  Most will allow Goodwill waranty'ing for up to another year and between 6 - 12k miles for a total of 4 year 42-48,000 miles overall.  In that additional year window, like I said, it's their discretion to pay for it all, pay for half, pay for 1/4, etc, etc.


Joe's scenario is different because it was service he paid for.  Most dealers will warranty that work they do for 1 year/ up to 12,000 miles.


"we've got Chevy's and Chevy's and Chevy's, in Grayslake, save a lot, at Rockenbach...Cheeevvvrollletttt!"

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Yup, $260.  Guy told me two hours of labor so about $200 in labor and about $60 in parts.  Its the lines that go to the oil filter from the engine block, anyone have any part number for me or how hard is it to change out?  Have you changed these out Lane, if so wanna help out?



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Well I'm giong to put a call into the service manager later today, my service writer wasn't trying to hard when he was talking to them about them covering it.  I think me just saying its been 13 months and 18,000 miles since they got replaced, they are leaking pretty good now so it must have been like this for a while should be enough.  If not, I'll see if he knows what gmtrucks.com is and how Rockenbach is being put in the spotlight right now.  Also have to remind him that I'll be buying a new pickup fairly soon, and might not consider Rockenbach based on the outcome of this.  My brother recommended I speak to my attorney about this and get the ball rolling if they don't cover it, might have to let him know that my next call will be to my attorney.  Anyone else have any advice?



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Don't pull the attorney thing out until a last resort.  If they still refuse to warranty it, get the zone rep involved, if the zone rep wants nothing to do with it, go to the owner, if after that, nothing gets accomplished, THEN pull the attorney line.


When you do that 1) it rubs others (them) the wrong way and makes them even more defiant and 2) you need to consider whether the cost of obtaining and involving your preferred attorney is worth a $260-300 dispute.  You may end up paying $1,500 dollars in legal fees to resolve $260-300 worth of a dispute.

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Ended up replacing them at Bernard Chevy.  Rockenbach wasn't budging at all, and I didn't mention the attorney thing after my attorney told me how much it'd cost to get the ball rolling :cheers: .  Only set me back $362.05, so not too bad, both lines were leaking though.  Dropped it off at 7 on my way to school and it was ready when I got out for lunch at 10:30 this morning :flag:.
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