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Water in Garage - 2014 vs 2009

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Kind of a silly topic, BUT


Has anyone else noticed that the 2014's seem to hold more water in the chassis?


I never had a problem with pooling water in my garage with my 2009 as I do with this 2014. I even let it drain off a little before pulling in.



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Not sure where in BC you are, but if there is snow, its likely coming from the wheel wells. That carpet stuff attracts snow like crazy


Im on Vancouver Island, no snow for us other than a couple days. I thought about the carpet wheel wells and thats all I can really attribute it to.

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My wife's Mercedes does the same thing with the carpet in the wheel wells. It's only on the rear though. I haven't driven mine in bad weather yet but I expect it to drip too. It's the nature of the beast.



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