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New K2 HD and SUV sections on the way


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This will be interesting


Hmm, why didnt current SUVs ever get their own forum?


They did, for quite a while. They never took off, so we re-merged them. Kinda wished we didn't. We may try to separate them once again in the future.

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STex you are going to miss out on the food.The Chevy stage is gonna rock this year...


Sounds like you have it down. Any tips on where, when, what and how to cut the learning curve?

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  • 2 weeks later...

SUV and HD's to be unveiled September 27th!


Anyone want to guess when you will be able to order a 2015 HD or SUV?


Will we have to wait until the usual spring order dates in April / May?


When will the rebates kick in? I think the first 2014 rebates were in July...

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I just read that article. They will 9ffer the V6? No big V8? Hope that isnt a sign of too many corners cut for MPG.


I understand that the 4.3 is more powerful than the old 4.8, and the 5.3 better than the current best, but could this also points to the Denali being 5.3 only since the Denali truck will be offered with one?


They might just do an aggressive tune ans light mids to get 400 from the 5.3, stick it in the Denali and call it a day

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