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I wish I wouldn't have tipped my hand with the lemon law thing. I think they are blowing smoke at this point because they are running out of things to replace.


Its been so long since Ive driven my truck Im going to have a hard time remembering how bad it was vibrating and if its any better when I finally do get it back.


I may call tomorrow and see if they have started replacing the exhaust yet. Ask if I can take it for a drive just before so I can see if there is truly an improvement.

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I picked my truck up today. The Servive Manager tells me what the engineer did.

He used some device to read the vibration on his test drive. He replaced the following parts,

1) Exhaust System

2) Placed 2 clamps on the driveshaft

3) Replaced the coupler connecting the upper and lower steering shaft

4) checked the driveline angle(within specs)

He tells me the engineer says there is a 50% improvement in the vibration.


We go for a test drive. I accelerate up to the target speed zone (41-45). Absolutely no change, maybe a bit worse.

While the truck is vibrating, I tell the SM to put his hand on the steering wheel and airbag. He says, "I feel the road coming through the tires." I say but it is a constant vibration and not just bumps. He would never admit to feeling the vibration. The truck would even start a low pitched hum when it was vibrating and he never heard it. GM can't deny that there is a problem because the engineer threw all kinds of parts at it. I guess I'll take it to the next level.



The new rear end fixed my vibration at high speeds.


The 41-45 mph vibration on mine started at that speed exactly every time, regardless of whether you coast in to that speed, slow in to it or accelerate in to it. It was a drive shaft issue.

The two clamps are for balancing the drive shaft. The Engineer came out to do that on mine.


They should have included the readings they took when they tested your drive shaft. Before and after, mine had the readings on the ticket when I picked it up


Here is the deal for the Engineer, they didn't call in the Engineer until I told them I wanted them to take it back. They said they would check in to it. A few hours later they call and tell me the Engineer was going to look at it. Then a bit later the local GM rep calls explaining he is going to have the Engineer look at it and then proceeds to tell me they can't buy it back. My response was this to him, "You just told me in the same breath you wanted an Engineer to look at it and that you wouldn't buy it back. The Engineer is coming to protect GM from a buy back claim, when he looks at it he is going to say it is in spec to cover GM". The rep was a bit speechless when I said that. But in reality that is exactly what happened, although the Engineer did find things to fix when he arrived as soon as he left they were washing their hands of it.


It sounds to me you are going to be stonewalled now. They have their Engineers report that says it is in spec now and they will hang their hat on it. Your only option will be to go to Level 3 of the warranty process and file for mediation.

Edited by HDNitehawk
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Exhaust, I could see how it could cause vibration. But lets say the truck isn't moving or you kick it in neutral and coast. If you do that and pump up the RPM's wouldn't the vibration change according to the Engines output? It looks like if you put your truck in manual shift 1st gear and ran down the road at a higher RPM you would notice it even more. It shouldn't be speed related at all.


While some may have vibration from Exhaust I can't see how it would relate to those of us that have had vibration at certain speeds.

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Mine is the 6.2 373gear 6.5box and a big aluminum drive shaft. I also think it could be the drive shaft, although mine does not vibrate while driving at any speed. What mine does is on a hard take off i will feel a vibration in the floor, seats, and center console but goes away as the rpms start getting toward 5000, if i stay into it with the peddle to the floor all the way up to 80 i can hear and feel a vibration coming from the rear of the cab as i start coming up on 70mph but only while its floored if i lift off the peddle a little it goes away. So what im wondering is if its drive shaft deflection causing a slight vibration on my hard takeoffs and the same when its loaded hard wide open throttle at 70mph.


Drive shaft deflection is a very hard pill to swallow. Critical speeds and deflections of rotating shafts are straightforward to estimate and design a shaft correctly. Any GM design engineer worth his salt should have a good handle on this and not to mention years of successful driveshaft designs to pull from.


Also the shafts would be designed for the top speed of the truck plus a SF probably 25% minimum. Much faster than you would be driving it.

Edited by Aboothlsu
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Folks, you need to report your vehicles highway vibration to your safety agency of your state or province.

Then it will be logged and when the numbers warrant an investigation GM will have to come clean on the known defect.

Given enough time and vibrating, something will fail either is the driveline or more serious issue in transmission.

Also I encourage folks with the c clamp fix to take pictures of this ridiculous approved repair for future use if needed.


Otherwise they will do nothing fruitful to fix this issue because of cost. When the 2015 model launches it will have the fix and I bet my last dollar on that!

Edited by 2strokesmoke
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Well, all that anticipation for something for nothing but BS from GM. More hose clamps. I'm now off the GM fence. in the F150 camp. Last year of the model, no recalls, only like 2 TSB's and the intercooler fiasco is fixed (spark plugs are now different and IC is changed). More power, more torque, HID headlights and rear a/c vents and a real E-locker. I cannot go blow 40K on a truck after I've been following this thread for like 2 weeks now and personally know a co-worker that had is bought back for a vibration. There is an issue with the vibration. But my co-workers was a '12 or '13 model, not the new '14. So I don't even know if GM will fix the vibration in the '15 when they couldn't fix it during a complete redesign for '14 from the previous gen. This should be illegal how they can just make and sell crap. This is exactly why I'm not brand loyal. BMW, Ford, GM etc do not pay my mortgage. It's not like it's 1965 where they can keep making and selling crap to people b/c this family is a GM family and that family is a ford family. Look on the bright side, the ignition switch should be good :) Can't wait for the '15 F150 to hit lots so I can vulture a '14.

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Buddy at work has a new Ford. His transmission is vibrating the truck bad. The Ford service department told him to drive it till it goes out, it has plenty of warranty. His advice to me is don't buy a Ford. I think the thing to do is shop for a dealer with a good service department that honors the warranty first, truck second.

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has anyone read anywhere that there is an attorney from Texas is seeking information concerning the vibration issues in the new trucks for class action? From what my co-worker just told me it was on the news? I scanned my news channels as well as national and cannot find it.

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Heres a new one for everybody. I've read through this entire thread and have never seen this mentioned. The dealer locked open the "flapper" in the exhaust and drove it said the vibration was completely gone. Unlocked it and drove it home and vinration was back and even worse. They said that it was definitely the problem and they ordered me a new exhaust assembly.


I have no idea what this flapper is for and the first I heard of it was yesterday when they were going to test it. The service manager isnt even 100% sure what it is for and thinks it has to do with the AFM.


*i have 6.2 SLT crew cab w/short bed and 3.42 gears, and as reported previously have a vibration from 72-82mph. Does not matter if on the gas, coasting...my dealer replaced the exhaust with larger diameter system, and in the process "removed" the flapper valve, thinking it could be causing the vibration. No dice. No change other than my truck actually sounds like a truck now instead of silent like factory exhaust. Also, I have had the Range AFM disabler for 2k miles (truck has 3500 miles) which works really well, but it does NOT help the vibration. They also put shims in rear leaf springs to change the driveshaft angle by aprox 2degrees, and this did NOtT help the vibration problem. Most recent is they swapped my driveshaft (prop shaft is official GM term) with a new truck in lot and claimed it helped reduce vibration. They ordered a new driveshaft and should have truck back next week. I pray this fixes it, as I am at wits end with the truck. Going on baca for a week, and will report back next Sunday when I have chance to drive it. Good luck everyone!




Im not sure if this thing is required or not, Im wondering if I should just tell them scrap that order and go aftermarket exhaust with no flapper.

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Just to let you guys know, I have been working with GM's 1-800 rep about my issues and trying to get them repaired. I switched GMC service dealers after they were not willing to do anything for me. I went to a more local closer dealer to try and get my truck's vibration addressed repaired. Dealer said no to me about any type of vibration repair, as they said they would not be able to make me satisfied with current problem. You will have to go back to the dealership that sold you your truck I was told, in short they refused my right to have the vehicle checked or warrantied at GM's dealer network siting they are independent and can refuse to work on anyones vehicle if they choose to.

So they know about my problems with my truck, refused my warranty right, and I am on my own....what the f**k GM. My direction now with my New truck, (haven't even made a payment on it yet) will be a legal one.

I am so upset now, I feel I made the worst purchase decision of my life now!

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has anyone read anywhere that there is an attorney from Texas is seeking information concerning the vibration issues in the new trucks for class action? From what my co-worker just told me it was on the news? I scanned my news channels as well as national and cannot find it.

Couldn't find it either, but I did find this Lemon Law page that may be of interest. One if the high lights says, "2014 Chevrolet Silverado with vibration in steering wheel, full repurchase under New York Lemon Law. Settled in less than 60 days."


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Just to let you guys know, I have been working with GM's 1-800 rep about my issues and trying to get them repaired. I switched GMC service dealers after they were not willing to do anything for me. I went to a more local closer dealer to try and get my truck's vibration addressed repaired. Dealer said no to me about any type of vibration repair, as they said they would not be able to make me satisfied with current problem. You will have to go back to the dealership that sold you your truck I was told, in short they refused my right to have the vehicle checked or warrantied at GM's dealer network siting they are independent and can refuse to work on anyones vehicle if they choose to.

So they know about my problems with my truck, refused my warranty right, and I am on my own....what the f**k GM. My direction now with my New truck, (haven't even made a payment on it yet) will be a legal one.

I am so upset now, I feel I made the worst purchase decision of my life now!

It's a shame you're being taken care of this way... I hope everything works out for you in the end..

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All my life I have driven a GM, I was going to move from my 2008 to a 2014, but no way in hell will I ever be buying a 14 or beyond as I have been in this industry long enough to know this ridiculous amount of problems on these trucks will never be fixed. I'm actually considering something I never would have and that's picking up a new Tundra, as it has almost zero problems that I can see.

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I'm actually considering something I never would have and that's picking up a new Tundra, as it has almost zero problems that I can see.


Oh really?

No one brand is exempt. They all have problems. Maybe you should check out the Tundra forum and see for yourself.

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