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GM put 4 Michelins on my truck and I still have the vibration. Talked to the service manager and he says they no other fix right now. Still researching with GM. He also told me they were told to not use Michelins anymore. They are supposed to use continental now.

So the dealer did the mounting and balance? if so, Please, to eliminate tire balance as an issue one must find a quality tire shop. IF at all possible find a shop that will strobe balance the wheel and tire on the truck. Once wheels and tires balanced properly and still a problem, then move on to drive train and not with the dealer.


Did one know that some road force balances require the shop to break down the tire and rotate 180 degrees on wheel,if first balance is too far out? A good tire shop will do such. Also how many miles on the new tires before balance? Need at least 500. Then rebalance if necessary.

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I removed GY SRA's upon deliver had the dealer rebalance (road force) the new tires...drove it home first day to a horrible vibration. A week later had a very well regarded shop road force balance all 4 tires, not once, but twice (out of pocket) as they said the dealer balance was way off. It helped the vibration but did not in any way eliminate it. I think yourself and anyone else who had success switching tires and road force balancing got lucky or didn't have the structural (likely harmonic) vibration the rest of us have.

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And yes the had to rotate one of the tires 180 degrees on first of the two re-balances. I think as another poster said back somewhere in this nearly 60 pge thread there are at least 2 separate issues that are causing the vibrations. This is not simply about trying a new tire until u get lucky enough for the harmonic vibration to dissipate. Dissipate as opposed to eliminate. Kick in the balls was my original dealer I bought truck from and who royally messed up the original road force balance, refused to give me a dime for the GY SRA's I paid an extra $200 for from the factory, claiming they are All Terrain tires. They are nowhere near All Terrain tread. And the tires had 10test drive miles on them.

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Let's discuss how to pool our collective resources and approach GM with one unified complaint. They are currently not in a position to have another publicly embarrassing incident regarding not acknowledging a manufacturing flaw. Instead of some of you having your brand new trucks sitting at a dealer service dpt for days and sometimes weeks at a time...u paid GM for a brand new vehicle, and not in your driveway. We could have bought Ford's or Ram's, or Toyota's...but we dropped the $45-55k on a new GM "redesigned" 2014 truck. They (not necessarily our dealer service departments who are searching for a fix) owe us all an answer, and a fix.

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^ the second part of my comment was to move on to drive train shop, drive shaft etc, once satisfied tires are correctly balance. Have you been to a good shop to have the drive train checked. They can usually tell if drive shaft, bearings, gears or shafts are the issues. Then a trans shop to make sure not torque converter etc...If something is identified and expensive, return to dealer to try to get them to fix. If all this and no better than buy back or lemon I guess? Good luck.

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We dropped $50k on a new truck, and you think it's acceptable to spend our time driving around to different shops to diagnose a flawed design? Sorry, I don't think so. I have a job I wake up for at 4:30 and return home normally around 7pm...Should we all take time off from work, or sacrifice family time on a Saturday when most shops would be closed, to find the solution that GM owes it's owners. This isn't a 15 yr old off warranty truck. It's brand spanking new, not only under warranty but covered by LEMON LAWS. No way am I taking the time to fix GM's problem. I have spent enough of my own time and money chasing solutions

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GM put 4 Michelins on my truck and I still have the vibration. Talked to the service manager and he says they no other fix right now. Still researching with GM. He also told me they were told to not use Michelins anymore. They are supposed to use continental now.


Some dealerships have equipment to hook to a truck to measure vibration and pin point where it is coming from.

If your dealer does not have the equipment or expertise ask if they can send you to a dealer that does.



Edited by HDNitehawk
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Again we have all read stories of these vibration meters...has anyone actually had success following the diagnoses in terms of a mechanical repair or replacement of a part proven to be the cause of the vibration?

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GM engineers owe dealers and thus owners an answer...all we have so far are multiple different suggestions from different dealer service departments as to what might be the cause, with almost no resolution despite rebalancing and replacing a bunch of different parts; wheels, driveshafts, engine mounts, rear gears, rear ends, tires...it's a complete joke. And we are all the fools. GM engineers should take a vibrating truck and go through every single possible option at the factory to determine the engineering solution. Until then we all are wasting our time and money chasing a fix through dealer service departments. This post is not blaming dealers, it's squarely pointed at GM. The dealers are stuck trying to diagnose a factory defect. Good luck with that.

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Speaking of GM's current position regarding public perception, and corporate leadership: on TV right now is GM CEO testifying to Congress, trying to explain their actions on the ignition recall.

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Unfortunately, excessive vibration is not considered by GM a safety issue. It is regarded as a nuisance factor, something that the owner of a new truck can live with and something that will not endanger the well being of the owner or his family.


The story would be different if the OEM tires were blowing out at speed, causing crashes. Then GM would be on the hook to initiate an immediate recall. As it is , GM is in enough trouble with the latest ignition switch and steering problem recalls involving millions of vehicles, and having to acknowledge liability in at least 13 fatal crashes. New truck vibration and other issues are in my opinion a low priority issue for GM right now. Yes, they will lose some repeat customers, but other issues they are facing are much more severe.


What truck owners can definitely attempt is a class action law suit, if nothing else works. .

Edited by pm26
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Some dealerships have equipment to hook to a truck to measure vibration and pin point where it is coming from.

If your dealer does not have the equipment or expertise ask if they can send you to a dealer that does.


Yes. They did hook up the machine to pin point the vibration. The frequency of vibration indicates a tire issue. Changed tires and force and match balance. The did not change anything. The truck just rides smoother. But vibration still there.

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Ok we'll they have lost a repeat buyer after 3k miles for this owner I agree their plate is full, but still no excuse for all of us to live with this BS on new truck. First and last GMC truck for me. And I will make sure to go out of my way on the Internet and with anyone asking about my experience who might be considering buying a GM pickup to tell of the problem.

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Again we have all read stories of these vibration meters...has anyone actually had success following the diagnoses in terms of a mechanical repair or replacement of a part proven to be the cause of the vibration?


Well, I might as well chime in here. Finally. I too have a '14 Silverado (double cab 5.3 LT 3.42 18' Goodyear Wrangler SR-A ) with vibrations/shakes. I want to love this truck. It could be so nice but for the vibrations.

Been watching this thread for almost 3 months but held off while trying to resolve the issue. As far as the "vibration meters" go, every dealer is supposed to have one or was sent one at one time. There is a newer, better one out but not many dealers have it.They are as much witchcraft as science. Having said that, they are not useless though. All that they do is give the tech a frequency and an intensity reading. At no time do they indicate an exact part. It may read "tire 1 or prop 1" or other such things. Tire 1 could be tire, wheel, rotor, drum, axle or any thing spinning at that speed based on the frequency and some math (engine speed,vehicle speed, tire size, gear ratio). So as you can see, it becomes quite involved. A call to TAC is usually required but may have to go higher. After a balance/road force, its up to TAC to lead the way from there. Mine has had 3 road force balances, 2 tires, rear drive shaft sent out and checked, rotors (all) checked for balance. and the dreaded hose clamps on the rear drive shaft. So far very little help. Vibration mostly 40 -50 mph also 65 to 70. Now working with a field engineer but based on our discussion, I'm not holding out a lot of hope. I'll keep trying for a while (2 weeks since talked to field engineer, supposed to be calling/ coming back). Being a tech and customer I don't they can be completely forth coming with me. Good luck to all you vibrators out there. I'll post when I know more.

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