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09 G6 no remote start


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I know it's not a truck so I put it here. I figure it is GM so the remote start might work the same. It has factory remote start. Will the check engine light disable remote start on your trucks? I figure the car would have the same setup?

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Don't know about CEL, but, if you have the GM Accessories 2 way remote start fobs, as soon as the batteries get a bit low, the remote start will not work. All other functions on the remote work without any errors or messages about battery condition. I only use the remote start in the winter, and only from home, so, the fob spends its life hanging on the wall with the other keys. I have to change the two batteries in it every fall to get the remote start working again.

This year I think I will pull the batteries after winter ends to see if I can get 2 years out of the batteries. So far warranty has been replacing batteries.


Does your G6 have the 2 way remote?

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I found out on another truck forum, and this may help you guys. The CEL disables remote start


Sent from my DROID RAZR using Xparent Red Tapatalk 2

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