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Beck/Arnley Parts Reliability and Quality


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Does anybody have any experience with Beck/Arnley parts? I searched around and did not find much as far as their reliability and quality. This is more towards their Audi parts.


I know this is a GM forum but since I'm sure we work on other cars other than GMs I thought I'd ask (plus some of the reponses on the Audi forums are not helpful at all). I need to replace the thermostat, coolant temp sensors and going to replace the fuel filter on my wife's A4. The Audi parts are around $250 for the 4. I can get Beck/Arnley (T-stat, both coolant temp sensors) and Mahle (Fuel Filter) parts from RockAuto for $120, shipping included.


From what little information I found they said that Beck will source parts from different manufacturers and that sometimes the parts can be OEM parts put in Beck boxes in OEM stamping and packaging.


I figured that with the amount of knowledge here somebody might be able to chime in.



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I used to sell Beck/Arnley years ago, so many years in fact I can't say what their current quality would be. Mahle filters are good filters and meet O.E.M. specs for most Euro. mfg's. From personal experience though stick with O.E.M. sensors. And this is for any vehicle foreign or domestic. Have delt with lots of Diag. issues with aftermarket temp. sensors, 02 sensors etc.

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