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Any body watch the fight (I mean race) yesterday?


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I dvr'd it so I watched it late and of course I missed the finish because of block head Gordon!!! Those two guys need to be put inside a track with everyone else in the stands and the first one to build a car and run over the other one and then get their car drivable enough to drive out of the track is the winner and the other sits out the next race. Idiots!!! But I do like some good old red neck fights. :jester:

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Seen it on the news. Fight is easy to deal with. 1 yr suspension. As for the intentional wrecking, well theres no place in any racing (other than demo derby) for that crap. Nascar needs to start controlling their drivers and quit the "boys have at it" mentality before someone gets killed. One reason I quit watching nascar is crap like this. Isnt the first time Jeff Gordon has been involved with a fight. just this time he didnt get a chance to sucker punch anyone.

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Noticed that Gordon got out of his car with his helmet on, again. Took a look around, did not see Boyer, so off came the helmet. Since Gordon is a past champion, they should have sat him out this weekend. Gordon used to also be the car owner on record of jimmy Johnston. Taking Boyer out guaranteed JJ a second place finish at worse. Doubt there was any consideration on gordons part on that, but, odd how it just happened to be. Was really hoping Boyer was going to catch up to Gordon in the pits. I think Burton and Kenseth were also hoping that.

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