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Weirdest thing you have seen while driving


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Back in the early 1970s, a device called the "accujack" came on the market. It could be plugged into a cigar lighter receptacle, and would facilitate a guy getting himself off while driving. One day while travelling north on the 405 in Orange County (where else), I encountered a Jaguar swerving all over the road at 10 AM. A little early for this shit, I thought to myself, so I floored it to get around and past him when safe. As I passed, I looked over and saw this old guy in the driver seat writhing around in what appeared to be pure extasy while rythmically lifting and lowering...an accujack. At least it resembled the picture I saw in the porn rag ad, anyway.

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When I lived in Vacaville, listening to the Friday/Saturday night chatter on CB on my SW radio was amusing and educating; so much so that the old lady banished me and my rusty nails to the garage.

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