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star tron.. Ethanol remover,


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Check your fuel filter. Looks like its innards may have disintegrated.




Thats the problem, there is no fuel filter on it! Once I get the new parts for it I'm putting one on it before I put it back together.

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my bad, i ment with out!




Getting very difficult to locate gas stations that still carry non-ethanol fuel.


Most station pumps say it "May contain up to 10% ethanol". To me that means the pump will have from 0% to 10%.

this local place has 0% and says so on the pump. Its were most people go for gas for there toys and lawn equpment. They also carry cam2. Its not the standard gas station. I did find one they had the gas there using a website but the heck if i can find it now


Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2

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I've been running non ethanol gas in my saw and bikes. You can tell a differance in performance. The exhaust smell is totally different too.


I have a fuel Distributor just down the hill from me. I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to get a tank and have them fill it evey week or two, or whatever it takes. They seem eager to get me off the gas station routine and go direct.



If you have a tank or can get one for cheap, go for it. They may even get it to you a couple cents cheaper than at the station. Many people here do it that way. Keep the tank in a well lighted area, lock up the fill cap, nozzle, power, everything there is and you should be fine.

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