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Apple users? How does this icloud thing work?


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Got an iphone a couple months ago, and I'm trying to figure out the photo stream deal. Or how to move pix from the phone to my computer. Can I get it to do it automatically? I'm normally good at this stuff, but it seems like anything Apple is engineered by apes, none of it is obvious.


Thanks guys!

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If the option is enabled then they should automatically upload when the phone is plugged in, screen locked with a wifi connection I think. I forget now as the operation is transparent.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I'm not having trouble getting them to the photo stream, they're there. What I'm trying to figure out is if/how I can get the photo stream onto my computer. Or load them onto the computer via USB, only option I see is loading from the computer to the phone.

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