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To all the smokers and non smokers with friends that smoke make sure they completly put there butts out before walking away! Monday at 3am my brother woke up to the smell of buring plastic at his house. Started to look around his room, go down the hall as the smell was getting stronger, walked to his basement and saw flames beside his silding door. (My brother has a renter that lives in the basement of his house and he is the cause of this). Please don't think i am preeching to the whole you have to quit smoking thing as i am a smoker.





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Nope not about food lol just some scary Sh*t if my brother didn't wake up when he did they would have lost the house. The fire alarms didn't go off until 20 mins after the fire dept. showed up as it wrecked the wiring in the basement for the smoke detector so it took a while for the one upstairs to go off. Also two dogs in the house....didn't make a sound......great watch dogs!

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