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I have the Mod 3, large charging handle. It is essential to me because of the scope, the regular charging handles last forever too.. But I needed the bigger latch for charging during hunting with gloves. Works amazing, Rainier arms also has a very nice dual latch charging handle but its a little more expensive. http://www.rainierarms.com/?page=shop/detail&product_id=3172

How do you like the BCM charging handle compared to the regular one? Can't tellby the picture is it mod 1,2,or 3?
Should last forever, they are much begter quality than any that are factory installed.

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I would like to get them for my AR's BUT was worried about them being a snag point....Guess I will get one for one of my non-duty AR's and see how it goes.


I can try and get ya a side by side pic this weekend if you like. I s have the OE charging handle kicking around I think.



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That would be great...A side by side would really help before I order a few of them. I am worried that it may snag on the front of my clothing/vest when hanging.

No issues for me with snagging, Just my input. All rounded edges with only serrations for grip on the front side, and they don't start for a bit so they stay off from snagging Molle gear ect.

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That would be great...A side by side would really help before I order a few of them. I am worried that it may snag on the front of my clothing/vest when hanging.


Will do. I'm supposed to fly home Thursday. Been a long three weeks without my truck, my guns or bacon. :lol:



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I have the large latch and I would NOT recommend it. Get the medium or small. Both are plenty big to operate with gloves. My large latch catches on my sling and one time even was enough to pull my rifle out of battery. Unacceptable. I've been meaning to replace it, but I have other things on the list before it.

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I'm very satisfied with mine. That and the BAD Lever are two inexpensive but great modifications. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I dislike the BAD lever. It's extremely easy to lock back without one. The BAD lever has you put your finger near your trigger for non-shooting. Bad muscle memory. Plus they can get caught on stuff. You rarely need to activate the slide lock unless you have a malfunction. But then it's just as fast to chop your grip to the magwell to work the lever and use your strong side hand to rack the bolt. And then you don't need some extra junk sticking through your trigger guard. I would be interested in finding a bolt catch with a bigger paddle though.

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Not worried about having to be near the trigger to use the BAD Lever. I know what I'm doing with the gun and its not like I'll ever use it for more than target shooting.


BCM charging handle vs standard:





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Thanks for posting........Looks like I am going to stay with the factory charging handle on my duty rifle. The lever, even the small one looks like it may cause some snag issues on duty gear.



Check out the Phase 5 battle latch. It gives you a bigger latch without sticking out very far. Plus it's Ambi. Phase 5 makes some good shit and I would assume it's solid and good to go. My next AR will have it.




Edited by sputnik360
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Here are some Pic's of a BCM Mod 3 and a standard charging handle.. and Sputnik that charging handle looks awesome.. but is even more aggressive then a bcm.











I apologize for so many pics, but the aggressive ass one above is bound to catch more, it should be noted if its cold out i'm shooting in a Carhartt jacket. These should give a good comparison all the way around, top down, from behind and of the charging handle itself.

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Thanks for posting........Looks like I am going to stay with the factory charging handle on my duty rifle. The lever, even the small one looks like it may cause some snag issues on duty gear.


Some side by side action above, forgot to quote you so it pops up in your email

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