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Best 4-wheeler?


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So i'm almost done college and will soon be making money again no longer spending, and i really want to buy a 4-wheeler. I really miss mine so i need a toy i can afford to break in the mud! Just wondering whats the best out there at the moment. I really don't need something that will do mock 90 down a dirt road (like a KTM), just something to have fun in the mud and trails. I was looking at a Can Am a little pricey but have hurd very good reviews, also at one of the Hondas. It has to have reverse and i would really like a semi auto matic...... Any suggestions of what else i should look at?

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Depends on what your looking for. A sport or utility model? I'm assuming since you are looking for a semi auto clutch you are looking at utility models. I'd get a kawasaki brute force in that case.

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Not exactly what you are looking for but I use my Honda Rubicon to work with and it is great. It can have problems when you take it thur water getting into the airbox and into the engine oil. (dont ask how I know) But with the auto trans it is great. :jester:

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I have a Honda Foreman 450 & a Honda Rancher 350, Rancher has ITP Mud Lites on it & goes pretty good for what it is.

Both are very dependable & 4x4. Honda is known for being durable & being there when you need em.

I LOVE how Honda's are NOT belt-driven.


But,after I get my truck paid off, I'm gonna get a new one.

Rincon,Grizzly, & the Brute Force are all in my mind.

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Can't go wrong with the Grizz 700efi. I have Arctic Cat's 2 700's and 1 500 and haven't had any trouble with any of them. If you are looking for real power, the Honda is not a good choice IMO. They are like little toys compared to the others.

The Can-Am does not have a great CVT set up. They burn belts and allow them to slip. Yamaha, Arctic Cat and Suzuki have great CVT systems and the belts last.



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Can Am outlander if you have the $. Rides amazing, handles well and power is great. Good looks to top it off.


I don't like the Arctic Cat 700 we have. Terrible ride, but decent power from the Suzuki motor it uses. It goes through at least one set of CVs a year and starts poorly, even when it was new. Has electronic issues as well. Not bad for the money I guess.

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I've had three can am's, one Arctic cat, plenty Honda's and Yamaha's, now currently a 2012 brute 750i.


Can Am hands down. Best 14k you'll ever spend! Promise!! I only bought this brute because it was a good deal but it has 12 hours on it and I'm wanting to sale it already.


Let me know if you have any questions.

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i personally am a suzuki fan, i have 3. all depends on whether you want a sport or utility.


almost all of the major brand atvs are good, yamaha, honda, suzuki, all make great atvs. from what i have seen the kawasakis are not very reliable. can ams- are great just really expensive.


if your looking to buy new, definatley look for a leftover.

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