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1000th Posting!


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So it's official, this will be my 1000th post since joining this forum. :D


Back when I was first researching a forum to join I came across more than a few. Most weren't user friendly for a novice computer user that I still claim to be. Then I found this wonderful forum. I admit I lurked for a few months then finally decided GM-Trucks.com is where I wanted to be. Now 1.5+ years later, a few site overhauls/updates and 1000 posts later...I thoroughly enjoy logging in daily and seeing what's the latest and greatest and help out where I can.


Thanks to the Admins for keeping a great site up and running. Thanks to the Mods who keep us honest and clean. Thanks to all the Members that have given so much great information. Look forward many more enjoyable times, topics and posts.


I know most won't care as they are well over this count however as I have said on other threads I get nostalgic about things.



Have Fun and Enjoy the Reading!

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  • Replies 36
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  • 8 months later...
2801 bitches ,lmao


plus 3 warning points before !!!!!!!!!!!!


beat that !!!! otflmao !!!!

The warning points are for your short, sometimes rude, quite frank, and right to the point answers I assume?




Don't stop you are an asset being a experienced tech! Even if I was a jackass at one point in the last few years to ya

Sent from my Nokia 5190 using Tapatalk 2



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