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What did you do with your truck/shop today


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Thanks for the info Chris - I found the Combat Shadow on Google - that was the one. It didn't have that hump on the nose


After seeing those specs Chris posted, your right about those engines Ryan! BIG POWER! Could tell just by the sound - just shook the entire earth, lol. Was AWESOME to be that close!


Never seen anything like that in all the years I've lived in MA. They started doing these runs a couple years ago.





Played contractor with the truck today. Picked up some fiberboard insulation, edge metal, and plywood for my porch roof project. Took me 8 full hours to get the roof ripped, and I'm still not done. Ice and water barrier does not come up very easily. Back- breaking work! Need 4 more sheets of plywood tomorrow - deck was all rotted worse than suspected. Not surprised, since the roof was trashed when we bought the place in '03, LOL! Got my use out of that roof!


Going to be laying down 60-mil white EPDM rubber. Haven't played with this stuff in 20 years. Like riding a bike - it'll come back to me.


My back is KILLING me right now. Flying solo - no help. This stuff was alot easier 20 years ago. Everything got heavier ...





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Have to replace my gas cap. Keeps coming up to tighten on the dash and now I have a CEL




Mine keeps saying that too and it was a new cap 4 years ago because someone stole the original


Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

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I use keyed caps.


I have a bad glow plug. That's #4 in 748,000 miles. I'll wait till fall to replace. It's just annoying clearing CEL every morning.

Edited by Chevor
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I replaced my cap last year. Was also getting an engine light. I checked my height again today on the truck. It keeps dropping back down to just over 36" in the front. Turned the bars up some more today. Guess I'll recheck it in a few days. Hoping to get an alignment at the end of the month.

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I use keyed caps.


I have a bad glow plug. That's #4 in 748,000 miles. I'll wait till fall to replace. It's just annoying clearing CEL every morning.

Doing way better than me. My truck has had all the even glow plugs replaced and it's not even at 50k yet.
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Finally flushed the OEM brake fluid, greased the front end, and threw the summer wheels on with the brandy-new set of Hankook Ventus ST . Noticed my year-old upper control arms and bushing shells are all rusted already. Moog too, wtf.


Was not happy with GM today - hell of a spot to put the rear bleeders! In between the lip of the backing plate, and the brake line fitting. Can't even get a bite on it with a 8mm open end. Have to use the boxed end ... but it has to be 12-point if you want to move it! All mine are 6 point. Trying to bleed solo with a MityVac on this setup is a royal pain in the ass. Thanks again, GM - you sure know how to build 'em! :banghead::mad:



While I was out there working, a pair of C-130s strafed my property, lol. They were 150' off the ground, maximum, and hauling ass! Came up so quick I barely had time to look toward the thunderous roar, and could see the pilot clear as day! That's how close to me they were. Just as I watched in amazement, another one snuck up behind me and banked right, directly over my barn. My security cameras picked up the giant shadow moving at 200 MPH, or however fast they were going (if not, faster, I'd bet). They were jet black - couldn't see any markings on them. Probably why they were flying low - maybe they didn't want to be noticed. By the time you know they're there, they're gonzo. :seeya: That was a goosebump-inducing event! Pretty cool. Go git 'em boys!! :flag: Check out the vid at the bottom.






Watch closely for that shadow- it's MOVIN'!!! http://vid297.photobucket.com/albums/mm215/jjs05polaris/Forum%20pics/MVI_5585_zpsuqghpfym.mp4

Might be some Tier 1 unit. Delta's are supposed to be very busy in the middle east, might be getting ready for something!


Or else Putin's started movin in! :lol:

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Drove around going to 3 different wal-marts to try to get this pressure washer for $74 instead of the $297. Bought it at one for the $297 then proceeded to try to return and rebuy at the 2 walmarts that listed it at $74 and neither one would let me do it :(


I guess I should include the link so I don't get asked how I came across this. https://slickdeals.net/f/8670119-powerstroke-pressure-washers-assorted-models-on-low-clearance-154-walmart-b-m-very-ymmv?v=1

Edited by Chevyguy85
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They are magnificent engines. Very dependable.


As for the Rolls Royce..




I don't know how the pilot in the middle video can concentrate on the plain :drool:

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