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What did you do with your truck/shop today


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Kinda like the mental picture of car seats strapped into something with a cage (and before someone mentions Jeeps, don't :lol: ).

Here ya go Mike:





Somehow one of the twins fell asleep in this thing that sounds like it has open header.

Edited by SnakeEyes
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Jeez that's gotta be a pain to get them in there!

Got it down to five minutes. Still a hassle though.


1. Unbolt the belts

2. Slide the seat forward

3. Tilt the seat forward

4. Put the car seat in top first with base facing out

5. As soon at the base clears the doorframe turn seat upside down

6. Rotate seat counter clockwise, while starting with the top of seat going under the belt mount rollbar

7. Route belt through frame bars and buckle in

8. Bolt the front belts back

9. Make sure the padding is covering the belt mount bolt heads(moves around while installing the car seat)

Edited by SnakeEyes
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You ever read the "Will it Baby" car reviews on Jalopnik? One of the writers has a young son and he's used getting his seat into unique cars as a centerpiece of each review. They're pretty entertaining.

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A few years ago (30) or so a friend of mine drove a Pro Stock Vega, and one night at the races the guy who owned the car got into a panic when they could not find his 4 year old son!!! The last time anyone saw the boy was when they were cooling the car down after a pass and when they went to make another pass is when they could not find him, and it was his favorite thing about being at the races was going to the line. When the driver got back to the pits no one was around the trailer so he hopped out and threw his helmet into the back of the car and he heard the boy say "hey don't be mean" he about had a fit when he realized that the boy was back there when he went 8.00 at 160 mph with no helmet, seat belt or fire suit on!!! The owner of the car had to bribe the boy not to tell his mom about the car ride that he went on and did not remember!!!


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Tasted trans fluid today against my will. Stupid tcase adapter seal is leaking and I took the skid plate off to see where all the fluids coming from and there was a puddle on it that of course fell on my face

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