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The only way a body lift can cause your truck problems is if you screw up the install. Take your time and don't take short cuts installing it and you won't have an issue. Guys screw things up by not loosening lines or linkage and then shoving the body up to fit the spacers in.


Do it and enjoy it!!

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Body lifts cause all kinds of problems. They cause a need for bigger tires, marital stress caused by trying to purchase bigger tires, reduced MPG caused by adding bigger tires, and ultimately result in wanting to add more lift which starts the whole tire process over again.






Seriously though, Im running that exact setup + a 2" AAL out back and I have experience ZERO mechanical issues. I am however suffering from all afformentioned problems except for the last one (my garage limits me to only 2" of clearance as is).

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Body lifts cause all kinds of problems. They cause a need for bigger tires, marital stress caused by trying to purchase bigger tires, reduced MPG caused by adding bigger tires, and ultimately result in wanting to add more lift which starts the whole tire process over again.






Seriously though, Im running that exact setup + a 2" AAL out back and I have experience ZERO mechanical issues. I am however suffering from all afformentioned problems except for the last one (my garage limits me to only 2" of clearance as is).






Well said!

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My only problem is ive heard that they cause your truck problems



What kind of problems and where did yo uhear this?


Only thing negative about a body lift IMO is that o much of the frame is exposed...Easily fixed with some nref bars though, not a fan of the frame sticking out that much.

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My only problem is ive heard that they cause your truck problems



What kind of problems and where did yo uhear this?


Only thing negative about a body lift IMO is that o much of the frame is exposed...Easily fixed with some nref bars though, not a fan of the frame sticking out that much.



Makes it look like and HD.

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