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This sucks - ACL injury


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Yea I am married to a pt :)


Procedure actually only took about an hour. Got there at 6am went in at 7:45am and left hospital at 10am





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Really wishing the nerve block didn't wear off. Damn this is painful. Barely slept last night (can't sleep on my back)





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Yea doesn't seem to do much :(


If I take 2 at a time my head gets all funny (kinda dizzy).


What's wierd is it feels better when I am walking around I can't wait to bend it, feels so stiff





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Actually walked around outside for 20-25 min this afternoon and I feel better :)







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Told you worse part would be the IV..... You sound like you are in the same position as me, but with out the Degenerative Joint Disease I have (osteoarthritis) which is playing hell on me. Its bad enough I may be medically retiring. Anyways, couple of things that helped me. Plenty of elevation, ICE...that stuff did wonders, and yes, the pain killers make you feel fuzzy BUT once you take them a couple of times, they do work. You will definitely need 2 because one never does crap. Also, take the bandage off some. The most pain you are feeling is doue to the swelling of the knee. You remove the bandage and you will be amazed at how good it feels...You can put it right back on, you just want it off for a few to get relief.. I am looking at number 3, but this time on the left side. They tell me the only real cure for the DJD is total knee replacement due to how advanced it is (advanced stage 3). Which sux because I am not even 40 yet..And being a police officer, I need my knees...

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The worst part was not being able to go #2. I took a bunch of stool softeners and they didn't help. Also this immobilization brace really sucks. I should be out of that next week and I will not be in a brace after that. Seems wierd to me but that's what they said.


I was able to bend about 78 deg today, even got on a stationary bike to stretch out my knee used good leg to drive


Day 2 I took about 8 pills, yesterday 5 and today only 1 before pt. didn't really need it as the pain isn't unbearable. I ranked my pain at a 3 and they thought I was crazy







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This feels so good :). it's starting to bend again. Can't believe how tight it is







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