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DirectTV and new equipment


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Try getting some answers at this site; dbstalk.com


This site is really good at giving any and all technical info about directv.


I can tell you a company by the naem of MASTEC is who directv uses to install almost all of their equipment. They are absoloutely TERRIBLE. Ive had similar experiences like you in the past. Ask for a different tech to come out.


I had 2 "thug looking" techs come out once and I think they were both stoned or drunk. Said pole only. Called back and asked for another tech to come out. A "normal looking" guy came, did a great install and gave several choices as to where I wanted it and where he suggested it would be best.


Not all, but many of these installers are real "wasteoids" socially speaking and they have bare bones minimal training to go along with their poor CS and speaking skills. Give it another shot and see what happens.

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Ah, yes, dbstalk! Much good info there, some of it from DTV employees who are very knowledgeable and willing to share.

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Noticed a few weeks ago a company started running cable all over town. Looked a little closer the other day. Its fiber! Asked the guys running it and they said it is fiber to the home service! Whoo-hoo! Might get a little competition in this little town! I was amazed it did not happen sooner as a few years ago a medium (for this area, lol) sized cable & internet provider ran fiber between twotowns they have served for years. It ran within a few hundred yards of the town I live in. I called em' up then and inquired and of course got the 'we have no plans on providing service in your town'. Can't wait to see how this pans out....

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