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Allison Tanny Filter Wrench

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GM Service should have them.  Try an Allison dealer also.  Any motorhome, dumptruck, or bus distrinutor or service spot should be able to help you.  If you are unable to ge the exact tool, let me know and I will check and see what we use on the line to put the filter on and see if they are available to the general public.  WHich I am sure they are.
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Who needs a wrench? :cheers:


Grab it and turn... Use both hands if necessary. They come off relatively easily for me anyway...


If you can't find the proper wrench, use a strap style wrench. Any auto parts store should carry them. Basically it's a piece of 3/4" square tubing with a 12" loop of seat belt like material stuck into it. Wrap it around the filter, and use a 1/2" ratchet to loosen the filter. This wrench also works good for changing the Dmax's fuel filter.

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I put mine on wayyyyyy too tight to hand loosen them.  Last oil change, I bent the handle on the band style wrench trying to remove the filter.  That's when I went and invested in those claws.  If it doesn't come off with that sucker, I'm trading the truck in.  :cheers:


On the Allison though (at least mine anyway), I noticed that unless I tighten the piss out of it, it seeps.

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I put mine on wayyyyyy too tight to hand loosen them.

If you can get it that tight by hand, you should be able to get it loose... Wuss...  :P  :lol:  :D:cheers:


I broke my band style wrench on my first Dmax oil change.... :angry: Now I just use the Channelock pliers... :D

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LOL.  Trust me, I used the wrench to get it on that tight and now I couldn't get it off with the saw wrench.  I thought perhaps I was a wuss until I pulled the wrench out and the handle was twisted around.   I was thinking WTF!!!  :lol:


That's when I invested in this bigger size claw style.  The Plews one I already had was too small for the PF454 filter.  It'll come off this time even if I have to take the impact wrench to it.  :)

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