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Blower Motor Resistor

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I changed the resitor for my blower motor in my HD about a month ago. My number 5 setting quit working so I got the new resistor and it fixed the problem. I got in my truck this morning and had some frost on the windshield so I turned the defrost on, blower motor number 5 and relized it wasn't working again. What could be wrong that I keep blowing the resitor out?? The plug wasn't cyrstallized when I changed the resistor so I didnt change the plug, however I have yet to look at it to see if its crystallized now or not. What else could be the issue?

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The number 5 setting is the high setting isn't it? I don't have a wiring diagram here in front of me, but as far as I know, when you have blower set on high, voltage does not go through the resistor. I'd be looking at the blower relay, switch, or maybe the blower motor.



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I've only checked them when they were out. Usually a motor that is going bad will not spin freely. If you spin the squirrel cage, it will stop abruptly instead of slowly coasting to a stop. If you power them up they tend to get up to speed slowly and stop pretty abruptly when disconnected. When powered up they SHOULD roar to life and then coast down when disconnected... if that makes any sense. If it is dieing the added resistance can cause wiring, fuse, and probably resistor issues. I don't know how hard it is to pull out in your particular case, but something is certainly not cool if you are burning up blower resistors...

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c/k you harness that plugs into the resistor. They are common to burn out, they get corosion in them that creates high resistonce and can catch fire. GM had and tsb on this issue. Change the harrness and a new resistor.



i have an 06 that i replaced the resitor on and it did the same thing , it was a fuse on the drivers side ..it controls the high speed..

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