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Picture posting


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In order to posta  picture here, you have to have that picture stored somewhere on the internet that will allow picture posting.  Geocities used to let you do that, but not anymore.  All you'll get is red X in a small white box from them.  I can't remember what the free sites are that allow remote posting (I think that's what it's called), but some people are able to get it to work from picturetrail.com.  You have to change the file extention, or something.  Maybe someone else can help with that one.


Anyway, once the pic is on the internet, you put the address for that picture between [ img]  and  [ /img] .  You have to leave the spaces out though.  There is also a button above the box where you post your message labeled "Image".  Click on that, and put the address of the pic in the box that appears, click ok, and it does it all for you.


If it works properly, you should end up with your pic:


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