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Removal/uninstallation Of Truck Side Parts And Wiring For Fisher Mm2

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I'd like to sell my plow. I would also remove the truck side of the plow set up, so I might as well sell it with the plow.


My truck is 09 2500HD. I'm confident in my ability to take the wires and harness out of the truck, but is there any potential issues I could run into? On my Fords I know they remove a brace from the front of the frame to install the plow. Is anything removed on a GMC?


Thanks for any help you can offer.

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The mounting carton bolts up right where the splash guard sheild is. Wiring should be simple to remove depending on how old the fisher plow is. If I were you I would sell the truck with the plow as you can sell the truck faster and get more money for the truck. Or if you are planing on transfering plow set up to another truck make sure the mounting carton will fit other truck other wise it could cost you hundreds of dollars to get the correct mounting carton.

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I will have to disagree with Hens opinion.


To a dealer the plow is worth ZERO and they see it as a liability

when they resell the truck because in most states they have to

warranty it along with the truck. Most dealers would pull the

plow because a buyer in the know thinks that late model truck

was run hard/put away wet and beat hard !


Pulling the plow stuff is easy and most late model plow stuff is

modular and is basically plug n play. Pull everthing plow related off package it together and wait a bit till fall. Thats when it will bring TOP dollar !

They prob. only removed your front skid plate (if its a Z-71)

and your tow hooks.


Advertise it FREE on Craigslist, plowsite.com and letstalksnow.com and sit by the phone. It will sell quick when snow time approaches!

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I have seen dealers asking top dollar for used plow trucks. There was this old, rusted out, F-150 and interior was so badly damaged, cracked dash, seats torn (look like a bomob went off inside the truck). Bed banged up badly, body had 40% rust on it, a real crap box. Had a 351 ci with over 160,000 miles on it and a brand new Western plow sitting in the bed. Actually the western plow was slightly used (looked like it was plowed only once). Anyway these morons actually had the nerve to ask $6k for the truck, there reason "It comes with a brand new plow". The truck was worth about $100 tops it was in that bad of condition! Yea when it comes to trade in at a dealer ship some salesmen might try to read you the abuse act cause it was a plow truck, but to someone with a trained eye who knows what to look for, the truck could have plenty of plowing years left to go. If your truck is tailored to snow plow (and I'm not talking about an OEM plow prep package). Adding aftermarket add-ons such as suspension enhancement, frequent tranny flushes, and other proper maintence, that truck will provide many great years of money making for you. Every used plow truck I've seen at a dealer, they were asking $2k or more above retail cost without a plow. Craigslist is a great free site to put the plow up for sale, especially when end of Sept heading towards winter comes around as more people will be on the hunt for a plow. I wouldn't recommend the other sites son suggested, they are prone to having alot of trolls and morons there. Matter of fact, that plowsite.com site, the people that were banned from that site formed the letstalksnow forum which is another site to stay away from. There is alot of fools there that are moderators there who abuse the forum on a daily basis. Myself and about 180 other users experienced the same crap that went on at both sites. Some of the nonsense they bicker about is if you don't use the brand plow they use, they will snicker about like pre schoolers, real immature bunch! Stick to craigslist, you should do just fine there.

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Again I will have to disagree with ya about the deal between

plowsite and lets talk snow sites..................


Shawn (the guy who owns plowsite) was a complete tool to the

mods (Chuck) and he went off and started lets talk snow............


Shawn and his new cronies pulled the same crap and another bunch went off and started letsplow.com.


If you wanna talk do-dads, lift kits, loud mufflers etc plowsite is the place to be !

The other bunch of children are at letsplow.com

Hell them fools even blew away Jerre the Blizzard plow wizard so they are SOL for any Blizzard advise with their childish antics........

Not to mention they removed the Snoway plow forums there because of complaints about them being a POS !

Again censorship at its best at plowsite !


The pros are at letstalksnow.com..................

Abuse, backstabbing or talkin' smack about other plowing sites

are forbidden!


Been around both sites for better than 10 years and have met

MANY of the guys from both sites at SIMA, NJ meet ups, many

gatherings at Hooters all over the NE along with the many

meetings and BBQs at Jerres in Erie Pa.

I know the score..................

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His name wasn't Shawn who owns plowsite, I can't remember at this time what his name was. He also tried selling some landascaping and snow plowing software? Or was it a book about it? Come to think of it maybe his name was Shawn, Sean Adams? Was that it?


I went over and checked that address and recongized one of the trolls names right away, Mark Oomkes person. Some other names I remember who were regualr trouble makers are snowgodfather, pelican, both of whom were banned from 2 plow related sites I knew of.

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Oh yea.......Mark O........ I know that guy and your right !

He was a mod a LTS. He posts nonsense at all the plowing sites

as well as being a postwhore jerk. I will keep other negative comments to myself about that guy!

Snowgodfather and Ron aka 4evergreenlawns are two other troublemakers that are banned

from LTS and plowsite and now hang at letsplow.com


Now ol' Pelican is a GREAT guy and usually don't say anything bad

or negative about anybody so your comments suprise me !

I met and partied with that guy many times!

You didn't happen to say anything bad about Fords did ya?.... LOL!


Yea....Sean is the guy who owns plowsite......All 400 lbs. of him!

I have met and gone a few rounds with that jerk over a few things.

He pretty much keeps a low profile over there as of late.

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CASUAL................Yea..........Take all that stuff off your truck.

Easy to do !

Assemble it as a package, price it right and it will sell quick!

List it soon on the sites I posted....................


Stuff to fit the gmt-900s (the mounting carton esp.) is few

and far between so its a HOT item for guys with new GM trucks!


Heck.....The mounting carton alone (push beam) is gmt-900

specific and $pendy at $600..................

Not to mention the wiring harness' at $250 each x 2 !

Esp. If its a newer model and that new Multiplex wiring

set up that Douglas Dynamics came up with.............

REAL $pendy!

So you get the idea.................

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Fords doesn't ring a bell for me, probably came after my time at either of those sites. You probably don't know Pelican that well to know his internet history. He also had a habit of using different monikers which you wouldn't have known about, but ip addresses tell the real story. I'm not going to turn this forum into a discussion about any of this idiots, they are not worth my time. I heard about Sean Adams and how he had that site to push his crappy success manual thats not even worth to use as toilet paper in the woods from alot of people. He also spammed every user there to push his success manual. Many of the trolls had a bad case of envy I guess as they would systematically attack a user who used a different brand plow, salter, truck, ect.. Alot of us got a great laugh at them for them to even think they were professionals.

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Sonjaab, do you have hidden strobes on your truck? I recently came across the Whelen hidden LED's which uses identicle module that the hidden strobes uses "Or at least I'm under the impression it does" and want to swap my strobes out for some LED's. My strobe system is going on 5 years now and have been experiencing a problem with one strobe working when it wants to and wanted to swap out the strobes for LED's. I have a couple of questions about doing it. One is I was wondering if the whelen strobe module that I have would be compatable with LED's. Like I said, the module for the 4 corner hidden LED unit appears to be the same module that is used on the 4 corner hidden strobe unit. The other is the price. They had a $250 price tag for just two LED's, I find that to be very expensive for even four LED lights, let alone only two. I know LED's are priced higher then incadascent bulbs at walmart, lowes, depot, ect.

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Nah...........Don't bother with all those do-dads!

They always have issues or cause problems down the road.

I just have a yellow roof beacon (required by NYS law).

You could have 1000 flashing lights on yer rig and those fools

out there still ignore ya, cut ya off, get in your way and generally be ignorant when your pushin' that "white gold".


Its sorta' the same deal when your riding your motorcycle !

You could have loud pipes, 1000 flashing lights and be painted

neon yellow and the fools will still run you down !

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More of a insurance policy to have all the lights, so if there ever was an accident on a commericial property and person disputed they didn't see me, my insurance Co. would inquire if I had warning lights and if they were on. The strobes tend to bother my eyes when the flash hits the snow and reflects light everywhere. But it's better to have everything covered safety wise to protect you from some bogus suit if it ever arroused. previous decades, there was alot of abuse with frivelish lawsuits regarding slips and falls. People abused the hell out of it and would get out of court settlements like crazy. I have a pretty good judge of character sniffing out some idiot who is purposely trying to get a quick payday.

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Still useless do-dads....................


Try plowing a busy commericial lot with constant shoppers pulling in and out of spaces. You want to be visible as much as you can. I would of had numerous people backing up into me while pulling out of a parking space had it not been for the hidden strobes as well as the 3 amber strobes on my roof. Alot of people do not even bother to wipe off their rear windsheild nor rear windows when getting back into their vehicle and pulling out. The last thing I would want to happen is waiting for a police officer to come so he could take down a report, thus causing me to loose valuable time. Beacon's have their limitations when it's snowing. Constant snow build up on the roof during a snow storm and more ampertures to run the rotating motor. Strobes are alot more efficient and LED's even better! There always will be abulance chasers out there and being visible plowing is a highly recommended thing. I think I don't have to tell you how busy a shopping center can be with human and vehicular traffic coming and going. Not that you are required by law to have warning lights, at least not in NJ except if you plow for municiple or townships.

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