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Well, I swapped out the radiator, and not until I got it setting in there did I realize it's 2" too short (it's a 28x19 instead of a 28x21) But I'll improvize and make due with it becuase NOWHERE did I see a 28x21 radiator.  


Now, the problem, is when I was replacing the tranny-cooling lines, I crossthreaded the source line and thought it was tight, and was in a hurry (becuase it was dark and 30 degrees outside) and didn't realize it until a good portion of my tranny fluid was on my girlfriend's driveway, 7 miles from home. I made it home but had to be pulled up my steep 1/4 mile long driveway by my half-asleep, very pissed off father.


So I may have completely fried my transmission! :thumbs:


I'm gonna get the line hooked up right and replace the fluid and then we'll see how it goes from there.  If I did cook it, here comes alot more debt to fix it, but to fix it I'm gonna just do the swap.


I'm very pissed at myself for rushing like that.  I guess I got what I deserved.  



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Sorry to hear about that...depending on how much fluid you lost you may be able to re-fill the tranny and run it for a little while longer, but it's longevity is doubtful...


I know that most of my worst car situations have been my fault and the result of hurrying or cutting corners, something I have worked very hard not to do as I get older, but occasionally I still catch myself doing it.  


I'd say top it back up with fluid, see if it works, and start a hard-core saving campaign for a new one...


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The thing that scares me most is that it was slipping noticably before this incident.


I'm gonna refill it and cross my fingers.   Hope it works!


I called Checker's and told them that they gave me the wrong one, and the manager #####ed at me for installing it, and I #####ed at him for his employees not giving me an option and just picking the cheapest one and saying "Yup, that's the one".  I was wrong for installing it knowing it was the wrong one but I needed to use it that night.   Luckily, he said he'd work with me and exchange it.



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