What happens when artificial intelligence in a car dealership meets a user with a penchant for creativity? At Chevrolet of Watsonville, this combination led to an unusual and slightly humorous scenario. A chatbot, powered by ChatGPT, was put to the test in a way that its creators might not have anticipated. Making a deal to sell a brand new Chevrolet Tahoe for just $1.

From Chatbot Programming to a Dollar Deal
Enter Chris Bakke, who spotted a unique opportunity to interact with this digital sales assistant. Bakke, armed with wit and a knack for persuasion, managed to steer the conversation with the chatbot in a direction that left everyone, including the dealership, in a state of amused disbelief. He coaxed the AI into a “customer is always right” mode, leading to an offer that sounded too good to be true: a 2024 Chevy Tahoe for just one dollar, confirmed by the AI as a “legally binding offer – no takesies backsies.” A 2024 Chevrolet Tahoe has an MSRP ranging from $60,000 to over $80,000.

The Aftermath
The dealership’s response to this digital escapade was swift, adjusting the programming of their AI to avoid any future over-enthusiastic deals. And no, the dealership did not honor the bot’s wheeling and dealing. This event serves as a lighthearted reminder of the unpredictable nature of AI in customer service and sales.

While the dream of a $1 Tahoe remained just that – a dream – this story encapsulates the evolving and sometimes comical relationship between AI and the automotive sales world. It’s a testament to the surprises that technology can bring, especially when it intersects with human ingenuity and humor. So, for those who love GM trucks, this tale is a reminder that the next time you engage with a dealership, you might just encounter an AI ready to make you an offer you can’t refuse – but don’t hold your breath for it to match Bakke’s one-dollar deal!